YU2TA7KA's BLOG ~take one step at a time~



Twitter開発者アカウントを申請してから承認されるまでの全記録 - Reasonable Code




  • 2018年8月12日:Twitter開発者アカウントの申請を行う
  • 2018年9月6日:Twitter社から1通目のメールが届く
  • 2018年9月6日:Twitter社から2通目のメールが届く
  • 2018年9月6日:Twitter社から3通目のメールが届く
  • 2018年9月7日:Twitter開発者アカウントの申請が承認される


  • 申請してから審査されるまでには時間がかかる(自身の場合、3週間以上かかった)
  • 審査が開始されると、メールの返信は早い
  • Twitter APIを用いてなにを作りたいかを具体的に説明しないと承認されない



  • 2018年10月16日21時頃:Twitter開発者アカウントの申請を行う
  • 2018年10月17日03:05:Twitter社から1通目のメールが届く
  • 2018年10月17日06:27:Twitter社かへ1通目のメールを送る
  • 2018年10月17日06:30:Twitter社から2通目のメールが届く
  • 2018年10月17日20:01:Twitter社かへ2通目のメールを送る
  • 2018年10月18日01:26:Twitter開発者アカウントの申請が承認される




Application under review.

Thanks! We've received your application and are reviewing it. We'll be in touch soon.
We review applications to ensure compliance with our Developer Agreement and Policy. Learn more.
You'll receive an email when the review is complete. While you wait, check out our documentation, explore our tutorials, or check out our community forums.


Thanks for applying for access!

In order to complete our review of your application, we need additional information about your use case. The most common types of information that can help expedite our review include:

• The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs
• If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct and the methods or techniques
• If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you will interact with Twitter users or their content
• If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how and where Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed to users of your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level or aggregated

To provide this information to Twitter, reply to this email.

Thank you for your interest in building on Twitter.


Thank you for your response.
At this time, we still do not have enough specific information about your intended use case to complete review of your application. As a reminder, we previously requested additional information about:
• The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs
o Note that “business purpose” in this context includes uses not necessarily connected to a commercial business. We require information about the problem, user story, or overall goal your use of Twitter content is intended to address.
o If you are a student, learning to code, or just getting started with the Twitter APIs, please provide details about potential projects or areas of focus.
• If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct and the methods or techniques
o Note that “analyze” in this context includes any form of processing performed on Twitter content. Please provide as detailed and exhaustive an explanation as possible of your intended use case.
• If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you will interact with Twitter users or their content.
• If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how and where Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed to users of your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level or aggregated
o Where possible, please share links to illustrations and/or sample work products. Note that we can’t view attachments.
To provide this information to Twitter, reply to this email. Failure to provide the necessary information will result in the rejection of your application.
Thank you for your interest in building on Twitter.


Your Twitter developer account application has been approved!
Thanks for applying for access. We’ve completed our review of your application, and are excited to share that your request has been approved.

Sign in to your developer account to get started.

Thanks for building on Twitter!